Monday, April 17, 2017

Succulents are generally very easy plants to care for. A basic understanding of what they need is necessary for them to thrive. What these plants need are actually their demands, and once you provide their demands, you will be rewarded. Please read along.
1. Buy plant that is healthy. The plant has to have full shape, good color with healthy leaves. Do not buy damaged plants nor plants that are insect infested.
2. Succulent requires soil that is fast draining. For container planting you may have an access to a ready mix cactus soil, or if not available, you may incorporate sand, gravel, or volcanic rock materials to your local soil.
 Perlite, pumice, drystall are lighter in weight and are popular ammendments, to use subject to availability and affordability. For planting areas where succulent groundplanting is possible all year round, be sure to ammend the soil with sand, gravel, or lava rocks for drainage. Also see to it that the area drains well and is not a low spot that would stay wet . Succulents doesn't like wet feet.
3. Select the right container. Succulents can be planted in almost anything that allows proper drainage. Be sure the container has drainage hole for water to flow through. Do not overpot because more soil will take longer to dry. Use a container that is wide more than deep, because succulent roots are superficial, and the growth habit of the plant is on the vegetative parts.
3.1. After transplanting your succulent, DO NOT WATER for a week, because a damage may occur to your plant while transplanting. By not watering, it will minimize fungal entry to any broken parts, if any.
3.2 After transplanting put a layer of rocks on top of the soil to separate the leaves from touching the soil. This will provide above soil drainage. Rocks also provide aesthetic effect and prevent soil from spilling when watering.
4. Watering. Water thoroughly into the pot until the water flows into the drainage hole. Remove excess water if you are using a catch plate underneath. Allow soil to completely dry between watering. Do not overwater, succulents are likely to die from overwatering than underwatering.
5. Light requirement. Succulent plants has different light requirements. Knowing at least the genus where your plant belongs is advantageous. Some plants are unable to take direct sunlight and are called shade plants. Haworthias, gasterias, aloes are a few example of shade plants.
A lot of succulents are sun lovers. They will soak in the sun, and will produce better color tone with direct sunlight. Echeveria, crassulas, senecios, cotyledon, sedums are a few example of sun loving plants.
 Plants leaves that are gray, hairy, or dusting of powder (farina) will take in a lot of sun.
It is important to undestand that gradual exposure to sun is necessary to prevent plant from burning.
6. Feed them, give your succulent a boost by fertilizing when the soil is depleted.
7. Keep plants looking good by removing dead or decaying leaves to minimize insect infestation.

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